
Friday, April 24, 2009

I passed my driving test

I am so so glad I passed my driving test today. I'm still in a state of disbelief, actually.

I had a sleepless night worrying about the test. Honestly, I've never been so worried for any test - in school, at work.. (not that i had exams at work, but there are those presentations to clients and bosses.. well.. they were kind of like tests..). Actually, I usually am quite bold when it comes to these things. Nervous yes.. but usually bold.

But I felt myself turning into a nervous wreck this morning, whilst waiting for my warm-up instructor. He could tell I was very nervous because the car stalled when I turned out of the carpark.

I bet the instructor could feel it too... because I couldn't release the handbrake. I think I attempted to release it for about 6 to 8 times.. The warm-up instructor really left it quite tight after he parked the car. But I was also too nervous.

So you can imagine what a nervous wreck I was at that time.

Whatever it is, the Singapore Traffic Police felt I qualified enough to give me a driving license and boy, am I glad I can finally drive our car now.. AND... I don't ever (fingers crossed) have to go through a driving test again.

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