
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wraps for lunch

Recently, I bought some frozen soft thin bread from one of my favourite store, Ikea.

I don't usually buy food stuff from Ikea, even though I quite enjoy eating there. But I thought the soft thin bread was thin enough, and if I made pizza, I didn't have to make my own pizza base.

Inspired by Petunialee, I ended up making some wraps with them.

I made 2 kinds of wraps for lunch today, Otak with Cheese and Rosemary Chicken with Basil Sauce.

For Otak with Cheese

2 pcs Otak
Half a Tomato
Shreds of Mozarrella Cheese

For Rosemary Chicken with Basil Sauce
Roast Chicken (Or whatever chicken you have left-over is fine)
A pinch of chopped fresh rosemary
Half a Tomato
A generous helping of Pesto Sauce

(Side note: I made my pesto sauce with fresh basil leaves, grated Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, a little garlic and olive oil. I blended all these together and then add pepper and salt to taste. I usually use them in pasta. Jamie Oliver's blog has the detailed recipe for pesto sauce - he suggests adding lemon juice which I think should be great. Will try that next time! You can always freeze any unused pesto sauce so I find it even more convenient than canned pasta sauce.

BTW, this is the first time I'm using pesto sauce in something other than pasta. They really dressed up my wrap though, I must say.)

What I did
I just dumped all the ingredients on top of the soft thin bread and sent them into the oven for about 3 - 5 mins at 180 deg C. Did no artistic arrangements and all since it was lunch-time and I was getting hungry.

Is a really quick, easy and delicious lunch.


  1. Oh miam! Miam! I missed this post!!

  2. Hehe.. Recently.. I found one other nice thing to do with these bread.. roll it up with tuna, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds, pinenuts, lemon zest and some Japanese mayo.. Oh yummy yummy.. :)


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