
Friday, July 10, 2009

Gardening lesson

Recently, I've attended all kinds of lessons - pottery lessons (both learning and teaching), bread making lessons, dancing lessons.. etc..

Today, I attended a gardening lesson.. and one-on-one lesson, at that. :)

I over went to fellow forummer's place today.. a beautiful, high-ceiling penthouse with lots of beautiful plants.

Amongst the many things I've learnt today are these:
1. Giving your plants a bath helps to keep pests under control
Foam some soap in your hands and gently rub (more like stroke) on all the leaves of your sickly plant, then wash the soap off with water. It's like giving a baby a bath. The bath will help to wash off all the pests and their eggs. Isn't it a beautiful and simple thing to do? Easy, organic and effective.

2. Use fishing strings for your creepers to let them crawl up
Previously, I've always thought you have to get those ugly long rods.. Fishing strings are almost transparent, easy to fix and they do the job!

3. More plants can actually help cool your place
I have a very hot second storey. I've always thought of installing bamboo curtains, but having real bamboo and plants does the trick even better than any man-made curtain.

Besides all the helpful tips and instructions on gardening, I also got to learn how to make a very neat apple pie, learnt about new plants and herbs.. And, I also went home with cuttings, seedlings and lots of seeds. It felt almost like Christmas.

Definitely one of the best "lessons" I've taken this year. I feel encouraged to do more for my garden now.

Thanks much, Petunia!

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