
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Handmade vase

Yesterday, I brought home a new vase.

I'm not one to own vases. I don't really get flowers often (Hint hint..), nor do I buy them very much. When I do buy flowers, I usually cut them really short, and put them in a small square glass container that I have.

But this is a vase I made. I have been attending lessons on and off at Spark Ceramic and made this vase a good few months back.

I've been learning to make things using the hand building method, which is essential rolling out pieces of clay into a coil, then using the coils to build something on a small wheel. This method is a lot slower than the "throwing method", which is what you see in the movie "Ghost", where a slab of soft clay is shaped by hand on an automatic wheel.

In total, I think it took about 2.5 lessons to make this vase, each lesson being 2.5 hours long.

In this technology world that we live in, it is nice to be able to really do something, I feel. Not like do a powerpoint or an excel, or completing a report, but really build something with your hands. Maybe that's why I like baking and gardening as well. Pottery gets a bit messy and requires loads of patience. But when the product is finished and fired, there is a deep sense of satisfaction in bringing back something you made.

My little vase


  1. u took 5 hrs to make this vase in total?? omg, i'd rather spend that amount of time on desserts :p and even my complicated ones don't take so long haha.

  2. Hi, it's a great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!

  3. Evan -> hehe.. yes.. that's true, I guess I never saw it that way. :)
    Olive Tree -> Wow, thanks!


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