
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A month of excitement

September is finally here!

There are so many things for me to look forward to this month.

Firstly, the GB retreat at Johore. I've not been to Johore for years... even though it is just about an hour away. And I haven't been to any retreat for the longest time. So, I have to thank my friend R in a way.. I only can go to this retreat because she had another camp and I'm taking over her spot. Too bad though, I would have loved to go to the retreat with her. It's been more than 10 years since we last went for any camp/ retreat together..

Then, there's the cake baking class every Saturday that The Husband and I have signed up for. Yes, both of us. So for almost every Saturday, we'd have 3 cakes to bring home - marble cake, pandan chiffon, swiss roll, pandan kaya, black forest cake etc etc. I've to start inviting friends over for tea.. Yippee.

And then, towards the end of September, we'd be going to see F1! I'm so excited about this. I used to be a major F1 fan, until 2003. So, I'm not such a big fan now.. But still, I was very excited when F1 came to Singapore last year! Only I missed it as I was still away in Beijing... This year, we managed to get tickets and will be watching it live on 27 September.

Ah... I must remember to get ear plugs.

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