
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The much-awaited Lemon Myrtle

I've heard about the lemon myrtle plant from a few people.

Also called Backhousia Citriodora, it is a flowering plant native to Australia. It has evergreen leaves and creamy-white flowers. It can be grown into a big tree.

It is sometimes called the "Queen of Lemon Herbs" and the leaves have a strong lemony scent. Some people use it as a replacement for lemons but I think the taste it a little more like lemon with herbs. I tasted it once as a drink and knew I had to get this plant.

Actually, I always wanted a lemon tree in my own backyard. I saw a TV program where this lady owned a small house with a lemon tree and the idea of wanting a lemon tree stuck with me everysince. (You can do so many things with lemons.. eat it, drink it, wash with it, freshen your house etc etc.)

But since I have no backyard and I don't think lemon trees can grow in Singapore, I gave up on that idea long ago.

Lemon myrtle, though, should be able to survive in our climate. And so, I wanted to try to grow it.

But it was not available in nurseries that I visited.

So, I sent a message to a friend N, who moved to Australia since college and asked if he could help get me a small plant. He said yes and mentioned he would be stopping by in Singapore for a short transit last week.

Alas, I wasn't in Singapore then but he mentioned that he'd be meeting up with The Brother-in-law. So, The Sister babysitted this plant for a week and this morning, it is in my balcony.

Wow. I feel so blessed to have such nice friends and family.

Surely, it was inconvenient to carry a small plant in your hands, attracting stares from fellow travellers all the way from Down Under to Singapore.

Now, I hope I can keep this plant well and alive and fufill my promise to make a lemon myrtle roasted chicken for N when he next comes home to visit his family.

Thank you so much, N!

The lemon myrtle plant

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