
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Super Pocky

I was just organising my photos and came upon these pictures of Pocky, from my trip to Fukuoka last year..

I love Pocky. And I try to eat new flavours that I come across. Hong Kong has lots of tidbit shops that sell the more "exotic" flavours. Of course, whenever I travel to Japan, I go around searching for new flavours as well.

Sadly, Gilico seems to have stopped the production of my favourite Pocky flavour - The Royal Milk Tea flavour. It was my absolute favourite when I was in University. I would have to buy it every so often, and especially during exam periods to brighten up my days..

I also like Pretz, Pocky's savoury sister, when I'm in the mood for a savoury snack (Although, they do have Pretz in sweet flavours as well...). In China, they have many different flavours of Pretz, including Mushroom, Wasabi, Honeydew, Orange, Sichuan Spicy Tofu even (only at Sichuan airport, I think), on top of the regular flavours like Tomato, BBQ and Corn. I also remember seeing Abalone and Sharksfin-flavoured Pretz at Hong Kong's airport.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya...we carry most of the flavors of Pocky from Glico. They manufacture a flavor of pocky for 3 months or so then stop. Sometimes they go back and do another batch. Watch our Pocky section to see if they make it again. We are here for ya! :)



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