
Thursday, October 29, 2009

My first tiramisu

Most of the time, I don't really like to make "troublesome cakes".

And by "troublesome", I mean cakes that require either:
1. Complex ingredients
2. Different stages of preparations

Most of the time, I like to bake simple stuff.. with whatever I have in the larder and the fridge.

And so, i have never made a tiramisu before.

Tiramisu falls into the "troublesome" category because it requires ingredients I don't usually stock - mascarpone cheese, kahlua and whipping cream.

But today, I wanted to do something different. Something different from my usual routine.

And besides, I have been wanting to try making my own mascarpone.. and before I try that.. I've got to learn what I can do with it, don't I?

So I made my first tiramisu today..

And here is how it turned out.

Oh... it looks ugly but you know that the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" is so true... Because this is a really yummy tiramisu. Yes, I'm such an insufferable brag.. but it is really quite delish!

All thanks to the Happy Home Baker for her wonderful recipe, which I adapted a little. (See how nice her cake turned out? I've got to try making it like that next time!)

I pretty much used her recipe except that I used 200ml of whipped cream (that's the size a small packet comes in...) and Kahlua instead of Marsala... (and about 2 to 3 times more alcohol than she specified).

This tiramisu is very light and in spite of all that alcohol I didn't think it tasted too strong.. in fact, I think I should be more liberal with the Kahlua next time..

It's wonderful how baking a nice cake can make your day sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. It's not ugly at all. It looks very delicious... and you take beautiful photos!


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