
Saturday, October 17, 2009

New Toys in the Kitchen

I've always baked a little now and then but we are both recently quite into baking due to the baking course we took. (The Husband a lot more than I, since he usually does things with a lot more gusto anyway.)

And so.. we (or rather he..) have been buying lots of baking related stuff - new books.. The Mixer.. more new books.. cake pans and tins.. more new books.. and yesterday, these arrived with some more new books from

This Silpat thingy - is really quite interesting. Although the price did make me raise my eyebrows a little (At US$16, you can understand why...) It's supposed to be a non-stick baking sheet - that can be reused for almost forever. It needs no oiling and is easy to wash.

This other thing we got is a grater.. and we bought it because it is a good zester. Meaning it takes off the zest of a lemon (or orange or lime or anything citrus and the zest is good for flavouring food) without taking the pith (as in the white, bitter part of the skin). It's really quite a clever little piece of kitchenware.

I'm beginning to feel that our kitchen cabinet is getting more and more "Martha Stewart" or "Nigella Lawson".

All we need to do now is bake more often.

1 comment:

  1. wah a microplane grater! i've been eyeing on it for the longest time but sg is selling so ex! and only US$16 for the silpat? how big is it? i've been using it for many years now but it tends to get sticky and oily if u wash & leave it in the open like that.


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