
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oppss.. sorry!

I read a couple of my old posts today... and was quite horrified by my own English in one of them.

You see, being quite impatient.. I tend to type out what I think or feel in a rather hasty manner. Then, I'd hurriedly load a couple of photos and quickly publish my post WITHOUT even reading it through.

I do sometimes read my own post before publishing.. but I have to admit.. I don't do that a lot...

And so, if you come across posts that are really badly written and have been irked by the English...

Oh dear.. I'm so sorry... I'd be more careful in future.


  1. I thought your English to be perfectly fine.

  2. You are so kind.. it was my post on Cinnamon Basil.. haha.. Typos and all.. I could barely understand myself.. :P


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