
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Campfire's burning

The huge campfire.. one of the biggest I've seen live..
Good thing we didn't burn anything..

It's been a long long time since I last saw a campfire.. But yesterday, I managed to join in for the campfire and even got to help with the whole set-up.

Such a sense of accomplishment when the few sparkles we threw inside ignited a HUGE fire. It was really fun... even though it was really HOT!

And when the fire died down, The Girls went near to barbeque some marshmellows for supper.

It brought back all the good old memories of secondary school and JC life.. all the overnight camps we had to attend with limited bathing time.. the (somewhat silly) songs we sang around campfires.. the funny games we had to play..

The firewood, all nicely set up

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