
Friday, December 11, 2009

Flowers of the Malabar Spinach

I am delighted to find flowers on my malabar spinach. They seemed to come out of nowhere.

One day my Malabar spinach was just a normal looking plant.. and then the next day beautiful flower budes dressed in purple with a slight tinge of yellow and green appeared. Or at least I thought that they were just flower buds at first. Then I rememebered Petunia's post - they were not flower buds but flowers.

The Malabar Spinach has been growing very well especially with the heavy rains and hot sun that we get towards the end of the year. But I'd have to cut it up significantly before I leave for my trip so I thought I'd take a picture of it because I'd be chopping it down for a yummilicious salad.

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