
Sunday, January 10, 2010

A five days whirlwind tour

It has been many years since I last went on a holiday with tour group.

The last one was with my siblings and my mother when I was about 11. (I know, it was a loooongg time ago.)

But this time, we went to Central Japan with a tour group because we were travelling with The Husband's entire family. The Sister-in-law had booked this trip for all of us earlier in November. I was looking forward to the vacation.. but kind of apprehensive about going on a packaged tour.

It was kind of a whirlwind tour of five days and four nights around the Kansai area. We went to various places across 3 prefectures - Mie, Wakayama and Osaka.

To my surprise, I kind of enjoyed it. I guess it is the company (family is always good) and the place (Japan is always a good holiday destination) that made the trip enjoyable.

I only have 2 complaints - The tour guide spoke too much and far too loudly throughout the entire trip. It was particularly annoying to me because I'm very sensitive to noise pollution.. and because his Cantonese was too fast for me. The other bad part about going with a tour group is that you end up not doing much research before you go.. and hence you end up learning a lot less of the places you went.

But nevertheless, I had a very good time and collected lots of wonderful memories with our family.

My next few posts will be about some of my experiences on this short trip.

Sunset view from the tour bus

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