
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hair Shop

I know him by the name of Ah Kam.

The Husband have been going to him for many years now for his haircut. Only Ah Kam seemed to be able to tame those unruly, slightly curly hair really well.

At first, I couldn't understand why The Husband insisted on going to Ah Kam each time he visits Hong Kong. When we lived in Beijing and he travelled frequently to Hong Kong, he used to try to time his trips so that he'd get to visit Ah Kam at least once every 4 or 5 weeks.

Last year, I decided joined him in one of his visits to Ah Kam's. Then I understood.

It is the feeling that you are in the hands of someone who knows what he is doing. Someone who likes his job and does it well. Someone who wants to make sure you leave his shop, not looking like you've just got a haircut, but just looking fresher. Someone who wants to make sure your hair is good and is not just there to sell you unneccessary services.

At least, that is how I feel each time I go to Ah Kam.

No wonder his shop is usually packed full.

Ah Kam's shop is interesting. It is located in a commercial building. If you don't know the place, it's really hard to find.

For one, it is on the 26th floor. And his shop has no name. It just says "Hair Shop" on the outside.

Once you step in, you see 2 sofas. It is usually occupied if you go there later in the day (Anyday..). there are about 10 seats in the entire shop with mirrors in front and the usual kind of hair dressing equipment - steamers, curlers and the works. All the seats are usually also occupied if you go late.

Ah Kam is the boss and the only one who cuts hair in his shop. His helpers will help to wash, dye, curl and do whatever is neccessary on your hair.. but only he cuts it. And he likes to cut your hair in this particular seat so when it is your turn, you move over to that particular one.

Then he cuts your hair.. in about 15 to 20 minutes, he's done.

But you might have waited for quite some time for your turn.

The Husband, being an old customer, knows the trick to not waiting.

"You either go early in the morning, to be the first few customers of the day.. or call in to make an appointment. But it is better go go early in the morning."

Once, I went at 3pm on a Monday afternoon without an appointment and got turned away by Ah Kam. "Full day - too busy. Come back tomorrow". I protested.. I'm leaving Hong Kong tomorrow! "Okay, come back at 5pm. It'd be better then." When I returned, it was an hour's worth of waiting.

So now, whenever we go Hong Kong, we'd set aside one weekday morning to go for our haircut.

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