
Friday, January 15, 2010

Kyoto's Kiyomizudera

Kyomizidera - It takes its name from the waterfall
in the grounds. Kyomizi stands for clear waters

I have been to Kyomizudera (清水寺) before. It is almost a must visit for anyone who goes to Kyoto.. and I went there during my last trip to Kyoto in 2003.

One of the itinerary of our tour this time was to go to Osaka's Universal Studio. Since none of us were interested to go there, we opted out and decided to have a day to ourselves.

Our nephew suggested we go visit Kyomizudera. So he researched intensively on the internet and was our tour guide for the day.

Kyomizudera is built in a beautiful environment - I especially like the little hill behind the temple, and the colours of the place.. in both spring (the last time I went) and winter (this time). I heard the autumn colours are the most beautiful.

Kyomizudera, also sometimes called Kyomizuji is one of Kyoto's most famous temple

Kiyomizudera has hints of Chinese influences

The colours in winter are beautiful..

..even if they look a little sad..

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