
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feedback heard

I have to say... I am most impressed with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) about the way they handle feedback.

The Husband and I both think that there can be much done to improve Singapore's public transport services. MRT is great - not perfect but new MRT lines are already in progress and it does take very long to dig tunnels and test them. So no complains there.

But Singapore buses are another matter altogether. Each time I take a bus, I end up experiencing 2 or more of the following:
1. The bus takes a long time to come
2. The bus route is long and winding
3. The bus doesn't get you to where you want to go
4. It is better to take the MRT, even if you have to make multiple transfers

I really fail to understand why our bus services is so much worse than Hong Kong because Hong Kong is actually bigger and much more hilly compared to Singapore.

But back to LTA.

I wrote in a couple of feedback through the LTA website's online feedback form, highlighting the lack of buses from the area where I stay to various places.

Today, someone called me back! And she explained the steps they will take!

I don't know if it means that things will really change.. but wow.. I'm really impressed.. and a little ashamed. I should have written to them long ago, instead of just feeling grumpy about the whole situation.

So if you have any feedback about bus services, road conditions, traffic signs and a hundred other things LTA has jurisdictions over.. do input your feedback to them too.

The link to the online feedback form can be found here.

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