
Monday, February 1, 2010

It's February!

February is my favourite month of the year.

For a variety of reasons..

Chinese New Year is usually in February. (Although not always.. but this year it is..) And to me, somehow, it is only after the lunar new year that I really feel a new year has begun. And of course it is also a time when family and friends get together and have good food and fun together.

Valentine's Day is in February, and even though The Husband and I do not celebrate it, love seems to be in the air in February.. Or at least love is being widely advertised everywhere. Whilst some may think that 14 Feb is just another commercialized, frivolous and materialistic day (which in a way it is), I think Valentine's Day brightens up February, making it more romantic than other months and is a day to indulge in the memories of youth.

February is the shortest month it the year and less means more precious, right? (The Husband also noted that in terms of salary per day, February is the month where you work the least to get the same pay. )

And lastly, my birthday is always in February and that only comes around once a year, doesn't it?


  1. I've just discovered that my son's poly fees is due on 4 Feb, so I have one reason to dislike feb now.

    But Oh, happy birthday!!

  2. thanks, Ting.. hehe.. Yep, I know the feeling abt school fees. I get very depressed when my college fees were due in the past too!


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