
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Homemade Lemon Barley

Tag the word homemade to almost anything edible.. and you've got me interested.

There's just something about the word "homemade" that brings to mind grandma's cooking.. or mum's specialty. And so, I've got a real soft spot for anything that says homemade - homemade jam, homemade ice-cream, homemade pickles.. even homemade ice lemon tea and homemade barley at the local coffeeshop.

Unfortunately, the homemade ice lemon tea and barley usually disappoints.

Today is such a hot day I felt very much like making my own version of homemade lemon barley. It's really simple to make too - boil some barley with water and rock sugar to taste. Then pour out a glass, top it off with plenty of ice and a squeeze of lemon and you get the very best homemade lemon barley.

It's the perfect drink for a hot and lazy Sunday afternoon. And it goes so well with a homemade luncheon meat and egg bun.

The Husband made a batch of luncheon meat and egg buns 
yesterday - they still taste very good on Day 2. 
I don't think any will make it to Day 3..

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