
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sale Season

There is the hot and dry season in Singapore.. and the hot and wet season.. and then there is the sale season.

It's the Great Singapore Sale again.

Having not been in Singapore much for the last few years, I've not really felt the excitement of the GSS. It's pretty exciting to see all that banners and posters around shouting "SALES", "50% OFF", "20% STOREWIDE"...

Somehow, these signs make the shopaholic in me very restless.

But the crowds tend to deter me a little. After all, I like shopping but dislike queues. And I'm a little afraid of women (and worse, men) zipping around the racks, with hungry, desperate looking eyes. And when the stores are that crowded, I always feel that it's a little dangerous for very young kids to be around. Yet for some reason, many parents tend to drag their reluctant kids along to the stores and when the young ones get cranky and screamy.. it's time for me to give up and head home.

But the unsuccessful attempts are usually when I start my day late. I've found that if you hit the stores bright and early.. the crowd is not as bad.. and the shoppers are a lot calmer... (the kids too are a lot less cranky)

Anyway, here's an interesting websites about all kinds of sales in Singapore:

This website offers information on all kinds of sales in Singapore - store sales and warehouse sales.. They also provide information on interesting credit card promotions, coupon saver tips etc.

Best of all, the information is not limited to fashion and techie stuff.. but also household stuff as well.. Which brings out both the shopaholic and housewife in me.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, those scary hungry looking shoppers. I only shop during office hours, especially when the stores just open when the sales people are still friendly and cheerful.


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