
Monday, May 17, 2010

Tauhu Goreng

I was inspired to make tauhu goreng for dinner today because of a post by Ting last week. Here is the recipe that she shared on her blog - yummy fresh homemade tauhu goreng.

I wished I could say I followed her recipe to the letter.. but I didn't. I went to a spice store looking for tamarind and they didn't have any.

"But we have a very nice instant peanut sauce if you want".

And so I made my tauhu goreng with the instant peanut gravy..

I'm sure it's nowhere as good as a totally homemade one.. but it did satisfy my cravings for tauhu goreng. For now.

Tauhu Goreng with extra vegetables - 
So much vegetables you can't even see the tau kwa!

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