
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Almost Instant Noodles

Ting blogged about her version of fast food.. and it's actually a 3-dish meal, complete with vegetables, seafood and poultry. W-o-w.

When I work late.. too late to cook at home and too tired to have a meal outside, The Husband will cook his version of instant noodles for the both of us.

It's basically fresh noodles from the market that I buy in bulk to store in individual servings in my freezer. The noodles are cooked with lots of green leafy vegetables and a variety of "instant foods" - fishballs, mushroom balls and other things you can buy (and freeze) from the store in any local market that sells fishballs.

A nice and quick dinner for 2.


  1. I like that pic and miss eating fresh noodles...

  2. oh, i'd love that bowl of noodles. I only found myojo instant noodles recently at the chinese supermarket here in hobart. I can't tell you how elated i going to blog about it soon..when i get to it...

  3. Nice! I do quick meals like that too but usually for lunch. Dinner is mostly rice and few dishes.

    You have given me new ideas. I didn't know I could buy fresh noodles and freeze them. I will do so from now on. So convenient!

  4. YM, oh I understand that.. when I lived in Beijing, I was looking round for Myojo too!

    Ting, yes.. lots of things can be frozen with no impact on taste.. but not fishballs (unless you buy the frozen ones to begin with).. Fresh fishballs taste odd after being frozen..

  5. JY - you can have fresh ramen though..? :) I love fresh ramen...

  6. Fish balls will become 'holey' and spongy after freezing!

    Oh, I love ramen too.


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