
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Blueberry Muffins

I think blueberries are the best kind of berries. The name itself is beautiful - "blueberry" - it brings to mind a host of confectionery like blueberry cheesecake, blueberry pancakes and blueberry muffins. Oddly, the name also makes me think of blue bead necklaces and bubble gum.

I also like blueberries because they tend to taste sweet. I have never had a really sour blueberry before..

Blueberries tend to be quite expensive in the supermarkets.. so when I saw them going for about SGD2.50 for 100g recently, I immediately bought some.

This recipe is from Baking with Julia. The original recipe called for sour cream, which I didn't have at home - so I replaced it with buttermilk instead. I ended up having to bake a little longer as buttermilk is not as dense as sour cream.

Blueberry muffins with fresh blueberries

Dry ingredients
1 3/4 cups cake flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp salt
Wet ingredients
1/4 cup sour cream
3/4 cup milk
113g unsalted butter
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg + 1 egg yolk

What I did
1. Preheat oven to 200 deg C
2. Sift all dry ingredients twice and set aside
3. Mix the wet ingredients together
4. Cream butter until light, using a mixer with the paddle
5. Add in sugar and cream until no longer grainy
6. Add in eggs and beat until fluffy
7. Remove from mixer and add in half the dry ingredients and half the wet ingredients
8. Fold until just combined, then add the rest of the dry ingredients and wet ingredients and then fold until just combined
9. Fold in the fresh blueberries (the recipe suggested 1 pint of blueberries - I would think 100g is more than enough)
10.  Fill the muffin cups to about 2/3 full each
11. Bake for 18 - 20 minutes (depending on your muffin size)



  1. Love blueberries...Oregon (where I'm originally from) is home to some of the best...

  2. Oh yum.. I'd keep an eye out for blueberries from Oregon then.. :)

  3. Wow, those are really great photos!

    BTW, I discovered a new food blog which I know you will like!

  4. Thanks Ting.. Oh.. Tartlette.. yes.. she is very good isn't she.. as is Canelle et vanille.. Her recipes are way too complex for me though. Another good local one is my friend Evan's blog -


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