
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fat Homegrown Bananas

  Homegrown bananas

Aren't these bananas fat and beautiful?

They look so yummilicious that they don't look like they are homegrown bananas. But they are. A friend's mum planted 3 banana trees in her house and they get a constant supply of homegrown fat bananas at home.

One of the plant is actually outside her house.. along the street.. but the large banana leaves hide all the fruits from pesky passer-bys.

I love banana trees.

Now, I can make banana bread in the weekend.. or maybe a banana chiffon cake..

Thanks R, for these.. and for coming all the way over to my place to pass them to me!

What shall I bake this weekend?


  1. Oh wow, I love banana cake. This looks absolutely delicious!

  2. Yes, Ting.. is a pretty nice cake. Easy to make too! Here is the recipe -

  3. Aiya, but need loads of ingredients. I'm lazy. I like recipes with not more than 5 ingredients!

  4. My young nieces are coming over to say for one day and I'm thinking of getting them to help me bake cookies or something just for fun. Maybe we can make this!

  5. wow those bananas sure look good and the banana cake...yummy!!


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