
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sticky Balsamic Chicken

I tried making this chicken today after reading Ting's post the other day.

I find cooking after work quite therapeutic. There is a mad rush to leave the office, run to the supermarket and then some fast and furious actions in the kitchen - but somehow I feel really good after all that craziness.

And so I have been on the look out for quick and simple recipes. This one sounded really simple - balsamic vinegar, honey, dark soy sauce, sugar, garlic and salt. I added some sesame seeds to make the dish look prettier.

The chicken turned out looking quite good but unfortunately, I overdid it on the salt part... so it was a little too salty for me.

But it'd be a dish I'd try again.

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good, especially with the sesame seeds.

    I do agree, you have to tweak the recipe to suit your taste. Some recipes call for 1/2 cup soy sauce! That is ALOT.


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