
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Let's eat in Hong Kong - Afternoon Tea

For some reason, afternoon tea is a big thing in Hong Kong. At least that is the impression I get because almost every restaurant and tea shops offers some sort of afternoon tea sets.

The options available for afternoon tea is definitely much more in Hong Kong. Which partly explains why I was only in Hong Kong for four days and as you can see, I had 4 afternoon teas there this time. And one of the day was fully occupied by the wedding! (So I must have had afternoon tea twice on one of the days... Oh.. I don't know.. I can't remember.)

I like the fact that some tea shops in Hong Kong bother to make their own bread and pastry. And some change their afternoon tea sets every so often so that you get to have something different each time. There are also things on the menu that for some reason, shops in Singapore never seem to offer - like a very simple sandwich with omelette.

Left: Red bean drink with vanilla ice-cream and coffee jelly
Right: Grilled pork bun and curry fish balls (my favourite HK street snack)

Good Portuguese egg tart from Macau Restaurant
The iced coffee that they have is one of my favourites in HK!

A simple yet delicious afternoon tea - iced milk tea with egg
omelette sandwiches and piping hot egg tarts, fresh out of the oven!

No trip to Hong Kong is complete without a visit to Kam Hua
my favourite haunt for freshly baked pineapple buns and good milk tea
See a previous post about this place.. and try the breads out in your next trip to HK!


  1. 兰芳园 pork chop bun!! and their milk tea! *MAJOR DROOL*


  2. Not now you don't, Happy.. the weather is really really hot. Quite scary actually..

    Fry - yum yum!


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