
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Easy Blueberry Muffins with Surprise

These blueberry muffins are really simple to make.. Being someone who likes to use the electronic weighing scale, I like all recipes where the measurements come in grams so no judgment is required apart from reading off the scale.

So, I was a little surprise to see Ting saying the other day that she likes recipes with cups only as measurement... but I think even Ting would agree with me that this recipe is super easy. In all, it took me about 30 mins to put everything together.

It is a really healthy muffin too! This recipe uses low-fat yogurt to make the muffins soft and moist. There isn't a lot of oil and sugar used too so I think it makes a really good breakfast muffin. You might want to be more generous with the sugar if your blueberries are really sour. The Husband didn't like these because the blueberries were too sour for him..

The surprise for these muffins are the little pieces of Philadelphia cream cheese I stuck into the centre of every little muffin. These aren't really neccessary but I like the charm of a little surprise now and then in my bakes.

Original recipe from

Ingredients (makes 12 muffins or 24 mini ones)
Wet ingredients
1 cup (240 ml) plain yogurt (regular or low fat)
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1/4 cup (60 ml) canola or corn oil
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Dry Ingredients
2 cups (260 grams) all-purpose flour
1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups (100 grams) fresh or frozen blueberries
Small pieces of cream cheese

What I did
1. Preheat oven to 190 deg C
2. Mix all the dry ingredients together
3. Whisk all the wet ingredients together
4. Take a spoonful of the dry ingredients and mix it with the washed blueberries
5. Gentle mix the dry ingredients and wet ingredients together. Don't overmix.
6. Fold in the blueberries gently
7. Scoop the batter into muffin liners or silicon muffin trays and stick a piece of cream cheese into each muffin
8. Bake for 15 to 20 mins.

 See the little piece of cheese in the muffin? (Picture on top left)


  1. When I was shopping for a kitchen scale, I chose an electronic one so I could measure the smallest grams. Problem is, I didn't use it as I don't bake. So when I finally brought it out to use, the battery was dead. It's not the ordinary battery you can get anywhere, so the scale is still kept in the cupboard. :-)

    When I look at recipes, I see the list of ingredients. If there are items that are not easily available (at nearby supermarkets), I don't proceed. Your muffin recipe looks manageable and I like muffins! Adding bits of cheese sounds like a good idea!

  2. Hehe.. I can understand that... :) Electronic scales are good.. only as long as the batteries are working... :)

  3. I have manual scale for measuring but i find using cup is easy! May be... because i learn baking with my mother (old timer) ! ;-)

    Your muffin looks tempting!

  4. Hi Malar, I know what you mean.. all mothers like to go by "feel"... :) It's really the voice of experience! :)


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