
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homemade Mee Rebus - Finishing Off

The difficult part about homemade mee rebus is really making the homemade gravy.

After that, it's just about putting everything together - yellow noodles, bean sprouts, hard boiled eggs, prawns and stir-fried tau kwa bits.

The condiments to go along with the noodles are just as important, if not more so - homemade sambal chilli, Chinese corriander, sliced green and red chilli, fried shallots, fresh calamansi and most importantly fried tiny shrimps.

The ingredients to go with the Mee Rebus

You can add what you like to Mee Rebus - but 
hard boiled eggs, tau kwa and prawns are good

Laying everything out...

The condiments.. very key to making the mee rebus authentic

Chinese coriander, sliced chillis and fresh calamansi

The final product - the best Mee Rebus I've eaten


  1. It looks super delicious!! I've seen the recipes and have never attempted because it is simply too much work! I'm such a lazy cook.

  2. Oh.. it was.. I've never attempted it.. and am still in 2 minds whether I should try it at home.. :P


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