
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bubble-gum Pink Ixora

Actually, there are 2 things about not sure about this plant.

Firstly, I'm not a 100% sure that this is an ixora plant. The leaves doesn't look any any ixora plant. But the flowers does look like that of an ixora and the nectar at the centre tasted sweet.

Secondly, I'm not sure if this colour can be called pink. It looks a little purple-like to me.. But then I have a bag in a similar shade and a friend once commented she liked the bubble-gum pink bag.

So what do you think? Is this plant an ixora and is it pink?


  1. If I am not wrong, this is the pentas lanceolata 'carnea' commonly called Egyptian Star Cluster. Under Rubiaceae family.

  2. Oh.. that explains it then. It is a relative of the ixora! :)

  3. yup, does look a little purple to me too...pretty purplish pink then!

  4. I think it's Pentas! I have this one too! We have similar plant this time too! hahaha...

  5. Oh.. you do? You have lots of lovely plants - I love those basils!

  6. Hi,
    This is not Ixora, but a relative called Pentas(also known as Star cluster)
    u may find more pictures in this link:


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