
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chickpea Curry and Random Conversations

The few of us met up at Ting's place on Friday and I was really looking forward to meeting everyone again.. The thought of seeing the famous patio that up to now I've only seen pictures of made me rather excited too.

Unfortunately, I left home with a camera with a flat battery... and so now I'm left with very poor photos for this post that no Photoshop skills can help.

Everyone brought something for brunch - a yummy roast chicken with olive tapenade by Petunia, a wonderful pomelo salad by Leah (which by the way is a recipe I'd be pinching without shame for all potlucks and parties in future) and Ting whipped up her famous chickpea curry, a tomato salsa and homemade lemonade.

The food was delicious, the garden beautiful.. and our conversations went from homemade yogurt to running to business ideas to dogs and so on... The hours just slipped by and all too soon, it was time to leave.

It was a lovely Friday morning. I've been really exhausted from the late nights over the past couple of weeks but Friday morning with the ladies really refreshed me.

I'm looking forward to the next gathering.

The delicious food we had for lunch - too bad about the bad photos..

Rusty though still looks sharp and very handsome, in spite of my camera. 
He is very photogenic, I suppose he takes that from Ting


  1. Thank you all, for coming. It was fun! And time just flew by...
    Rusty looks like a puppy here :-)

  2. I hope you are feeling better now.. Yes, hope to see you next time! :)

  3. Time flew... really flew... at the speed of light.


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