
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Colourful Days

Since I started work full-time again, The Husband and I have not really travelled much. My garden has benefited tremendously from that. This is because our not travelling ensures they get watered regularly.

And the hot and sunny weather we've been having, along with a new fertilizing routine I've taken on, is also keeping my plants happy and healthy.

Look at all the blooms in my balcony!

I'm really pleased with all the flowers.

Perhaps I will try growing a couple of herbs again... I really do want to try my hand at growing a pot of rosemary.. but having killed so many, I'm feeling a little apprehensive.


  1. That's a very lovely collage. I have some of the flowers too but the way you took the photos and arranged them make them look extremely lovely.

  2. Hi One, thanks! I like your photos very much! The ones on the dragonflies... wow.. their wings are so intricate, right? Amazing...

  3. They're stunning!! Good goin' with the garden!!

  4. That's a lot of blooms! I guess your balcony smell good!

  5. Thanks Petunia! :) And it is I guess mostly thanks to the rotating fertilizing trick you shared! That really helps!

  6. hi Malar, thanks! Oh.. I don't really smell very well.. for some reason.. :p

  7. Such attractive colours! Tell you what, let me propagate some rosemary for you. I have lots of trimming to do. I'll just poke them in a pot of soil. That way, even if they don't do well, you don't feel so bad.

  8. Such beautiful colors on your balcony!

    Seems like the trick to growing Rosemary water-control. Too much 'love' kills. Hehe.

    I'm a total failure in propagating Rosemary from cutting. BlurTing is very talented to be able to plug-and-grow;)


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