
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hello Sunshine!

I love it on days when the sun is blazing hot and there is a little breeze blowing.

On days like that, some of the flowers in my balcony will be smiling at the sun and swaying in the breeze. It's quite amazing to watch actually... they look like they are dancing in the breeze.

This colour is really pretty right? I don't remember the names for this
but they are easy to grow.. like portulacas

I like the way the petals flutter in the breeze..

Sky - I manage to get my hands on these from World Farm!


  1. Good to hear you got the variegated portulacas. I think the pink ones are portulacas also. Are they large? Maybe it's the grandiflora strain?


  2. :) Yes, you are right! They are the larger petal ones. The colour is very striking!

  3. The flowers are so pretty!
    It's really wonderful to spent time in our own garden!


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