
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Max the dog

We had 3 different dogs in our house when I was younger, at different points in time. All of them were called Max. I used to think that even if we had 10 dogs, they'd all have been called Max. My mum seemed to have little imagination when it comes to naming her dogs.

In any case, I went to A's house for another cooking class yesterday and managed to get her dog Max in a sleepy mood... so I managed to take very nice pictures of him.

"Sleeping on my favourite mat"

"What do you want...? I'm sleepy"

"What is that black thing she is carrying? And what's that sound it makes?"

"OK, don't disturb me now.."

"I'm going to nap in this corner.. 
You can have that mat.. just don't wake me up again.."


  1. So cute! Oh, what if you have 2 dogs at home at the same time? Max and Max? :-)

  2. It's funny to hear that all your dogs have the same name. The dogs may not have a problem with that. I think they know just when to respond.

  3. Hi Petunia, he IS a cutie! And very sweet natured too!

  4. Hi One, yes.. I think you are right.. One of our dogs used to live with my uncle.. I'm pretty sure he wasn't called Max before he came to our place!


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