
Monday, September 6, 2010

Nurseries with plant labels

I wish all plant nurseries would label their plants.

Firstly, I come home mostly with unknown plants.

And then, I thought I bought a frilly looking red hibiscus... It was a beautiful plant. But the pot was too huge and heavy and so I asked if they had another one.

The lady at the nursery pointed at the plant next to it. The leaves did look very similar.. and the flower bud looked red.. But when I went home and the flower bloomed... alas.. it is a regular red hibiscus.. with a beautiful deep red centre. But.. it is not a frilly red hibiscus...

I wish nurseries would label their plants the way supermarkets label their products..

In the meantime though, don't you think my red hibiscus is beautiful?


  1. hello, your pictures are so pretty. may i know what camera and lens you're using? thank you.

  2. I agree with you! The nursery near my house do not have any label too! They sometimes don't know the english name.....

  3. Hi Lia! Nice to have you online. I use The Husband's camera - Canon DSLR 450D, with a 50mm Macro lens.. I'm so totally a novice I only know how to use the auto mode! :P

  4. Malar, yeah.. so sad right.. but good thing there are experts online now we can seek help from!


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