
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tarragon flowers

Petunia gave me a tarragon plant last Friday.. It was flowering so beautifully I almost couldn't bring myself to eat them.

But I was curious about the taste of the tarragon flowers. So I snipped off some flowers and added them to my salad.

I must say - they taste really good.. very similar to the leaves but a teeny bit more floral! For this salad, I added a mixture of salad leaves, malabar spinach, cherry tomatoes and some sunflower seeds. The dressing is simple - some greek olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sea salt and freshly grounded black pepper. The tarragon flowers added a real zest to the salad.

Thank you, Petunia for the plant. Hopefully, I can keep it growing well to produce a lot more flowers for my salads. There is this recipe for tarragon bread I've been curious about. I think I'd try making it with a mixture of the leaves and flowers.


  1. Looks good! I made a somewhat similar salad this evening too, without the tarragon flowers of course. Mine's more rustic while yours is just so pretty.

  2. Oh.. but you are such a fabulous cook I'm sure it taste great! I'm suddenly craving for chickpea curry...~~

  3. Yup! Ting, your style is big and hearty and yummy. OKC's style is elegant and pretty and yummy. All the rest not important. Only the yummy!


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