
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Taipei Flower Expo - Trivia

Some interesting trivia about the Flower Expo:

Trivia #1
The expo revolves around 3 main concepts related to gardening.. so it is more than just "flowers".. I suppose Gardening Expo doesn't sound as nice..

Concept I: Convey the essence of gardening, science and environment protection technology
Concept II: Reach the goals of reduce, reuse and recycle
Concept III: Combine culture and art as parts of eco-friendly living

Trivia #2
The flowers at the expo are not the same throughout the entire period. Flowers for display are selected based on the seasons or appropriateness. For example, when I was there around Christmas, there were a lot of Poinsetias that my friend didn't see the week before.

It is said that that the flowers are replaced as frequently as every 3 days.. Now that, is very frequent! It also means that you'd have a slightly different experience each time you go to the expo!

If you are booking tickets to Taiwan for the expo, check out this link for the various flower themes that will be on display. You'd also want to check out this 3D film for an intro to the exposition area.

Trivia #3
It is said that to finish all the exhibits "properly", you will need about 3 days. The reason being the queues for the exhibits can be pretty long.

For some exhibits, you'd actually need to draw for tickets.. so if you are really unlucky on busy days... 3 days may not be sufficient!

Trivia #4
Just some statistics on the numbers at the 91+ hectares site - 14 pavilions and more than 800 varieties of orchids, 329 million stems of locally developed plant varieties, and award-winning landscape and gardening designs from 22 countries and 26 cities.

I wonder how many visitors visit the expo on a daily basis... because.. there were lots of people when I was there on a Tuesday!


  1. Sounds to me it definitely needs more than 3 days!

  2. Lots of talk in the papers about the disappointing display put up by Singapore pavilion! Did you see the display when you were there?

  3. Yes, it was disappointing! See the last picture from this post -

    That was the SG exhibit!


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