
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Growing Lemon Myrtle

The lemon myrtle plant N brought all the way for me from Brisbane died when my parents didn't manage to water my plants for 2 weeks because of the Lost Key Incident.

For a while, I didn't dare to mention it to N. But I think I briefly brought it up when we met up during one of his trips back last year. I don't remember if I mentioned it to him.. but I found a nursery in Singapore that sold this plant afterwards and bought one back home.

This lemon myrtle has been with me for about 10 months now.

It was a little thing when I brought it home. It's now much bigger than it was!

Lemon Myrtle grow pretty well it Singapore's climate - Mine gets the afternoon sun and I have found that it can survive a day or two without water pretty well. I feed it occasionally with bonemeal and seaweed extract and so far (fingers crossed), all is good.

When I have a real garden, I'd like to grow a lemon tree. That would be a really useful tree to have, I think - you can do so many things with the lemon! It seems that it can be grown in Singapore too because I saw a few on sale at World Farm.

It would be really useful to have your own lemon tree


  1. Mr N smuggled the lemon tree into Sg ar? Hehe. I have a friend from Sg came to visit me last 2 weeks and he asked for some mulberry stems. But he returned all to me on the day he left, saying they are not allowed to travel into Sg. Too bad. Anyway your lemon is looking good, with so many healthy leaves. Lemons are useful in your cooking.. and your ice cream and your tea :)

  2. Hi Milka, Mr N brought in a Lemon Myrtle plant for me. It's a plant from Australia with lemon smelling leaves. Apparently, you can bring in plants from overseas, but not the soil. The custom folks told him that but they were very nice and let him by. You are right abt lemons being useful. That's why I want one!! Hehe

  3. Oh! Not the soil only! Then i'll bring some over in August for him! Thanks for the info. He will be delighted ;)

  4. Yes, you can! I can't seem to see the details on the customs website.. but the same info (plants without soil is okay) is also mentioned on this website:

    So you are coming in Aug, hm.. maybe we can meet up? Drop me a note nearer the date if you are keen? :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by. I think a lemon tree in the garden or yard would be delicious for anyone. The fruit is so pretty.

  6. I was told that lemons will not turn yellow when you grow them in Singapore because of our climate. Those in the nurseries come from cooler climate. When they acclimatise and grow new fruits in your garden, these new lemons will be green.

  7. Hi Nanniepannie, thanks for stopping by too!

  8. Oh Ting... green? Aiyah, it wouldnt be very nice then... :(

  9. I would love to buy the lemon myrtle plant for my garden. May I ask from which nursery you bought yours from?

  10. I would love to have a lemon myrtle plant in my garden. May I ask from which nursery did you buy your plant from?


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