
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Udang Masak Nenas (Prawns in Pineapple Gravy)

Inspired by my trip to Malacca, I decided to cook something Peranakan last evening.

Udang Masak Nenas means Prawns cooked in Pineapple. Some people translate this as Prawns in Pineapple Curry. I'd rather call this dish prawns in Pineapple Gravy because there isn't anything curry about this dish apart from the colour. The bright orange hue of the dish comes from the tumeric but there is no curry powder or curry leaves in this dish.
I learnt this dish - Prawns in Pineapple Gravy from A.

The dish turned out very well. As the rempah and assam stock was simmering away, I tasted it and was a little worried because it was rather sour, but the addition of the honey pineapples balanced the taste and I thought this dish was quite yummy. It was just a little sourish but very fragrant and goes well with a bowl of hot rice.

I had my parents over for dinner and everyone loved the dish. Next time, I'd peel the prawns before cooking since my dad doesn't like shelling them.

See recipe here. The only minor adjustments I made were that I added some candlenuts to make the rempah thicker and I omitted the belachan. Oh, and I added in a little less water so that I'd get a thicker gravy.

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