
Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Singapore Botanic Gardens

During my block leave last week, I went to the Botanical Gardens to have lunch with some friends at the Halia Restaurant (Halia is Malay word for Ginger).

I haven't been to the botanical gardens for many years, so I decided to visit it again one evening for a stroll with The Husband.

The Singapore Botanical Gardens is a really nice garden to visit... but it is really too hot to take a stroll in the gardens at any time other than early morning or evening.

Come along for a stroll with me here, in the comfort of your home.. or wherever it is you are reading this from.

The garden is really rather big - we only covered a part of it that day

Swan Lake - a couple of swans and lots of turtles. Should have been called Turtle Lake

The famous 5 dollar tree. This tree appears on the Singapore 5 dollar note. 
I really like the long branch of this tree

The Singapore flower - Vanda Ms Joaqium

These flowers are grown in an area built like a little maze. 
It's really quite pretty!

The sky was beautiful that day

I like the fiery shade of this flower

Last picture I took before heading off to dinner. I'd be back soon again!


  1. It is one of my all-time fav places!

    The orange flower is peacock flower.

  2. Yup... me too. I love those gardens. Nowhere else in Singapore can one get up close and personal with such HUGE trees.

  3. It's so relaxing just looking at the photos...

  4. Oh I know what you mean, Milka. I enjoy the photos too. In real life, it is really hot when I was taking the photos, although it was almost evening time!


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