
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Coconut Custard from Mont Nom Sod

Just before we left Bangkok, we went to MBK Shopping Centre (also called Mahboonkrong) to buy some "kaya" for my parents.

My parents visited Bangkok a couple of weeks back and raved about the "kaya" from a shop on the second level. 

They couldn't tell me which shop it was though so after combing the entire second floor, we came to the conclusion that the "kaya" they wanted had to be from Mont Nom Sod (Milk and Bread Shop).

Kaya is coconut jam that is made from coconut milk, eggs and sugar. I've always considered it to be a specialty from Singapore, so it is really strange to be looking for "kaya" to buy home from Bangkok.

Mont Nom Sod is a small shop that specialises in selling bread with all kinds of spread and milk in all kinds of drinks..

The "kaya", or coconut custard, as it is called at Mont Nom Sod is freshly made and last only 3 days.. so I only brought home 2 little bottles.

I had it for breakfast today and it was really quite delicious - sweet, but not too sweet.. with a tinge of pandan and coconut... a very nice, wobbly texture.

It went very well with a slice of fluffy white toast.



  1. Yum ... I heart kaya and these look so creamy!

  2. Ugh... I miss freshly made kaya! A kopitiam near my old place used to sell freshly-made kaya with the old-school toast. Top up with a milo-peng, BEST breakfast ever!


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