
Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to make your own vanilla extract

Some time ago, I read these 2 blog entries (Evan's Kitchen Ramblings and The Traveler's Lunchbox) and was really keen to try to make my own vanilla extract.

But then after a while, I forgot about all about it as I am often incline to do so..

It was until recently, when we were trying to look for a bottle of vanilla extract (not essence) in Singapore... that I remembered these 2 posts. (Thanks to Evan for reminding me..)

So, since I have all the neccessary ingredients - vanilla pods, alcohol and vanilla extract.. I thought, why not just try make a small batch.

I followed the instructions from The Traveler's Lunchbox. Alcohol (I use vodka) + used vanilla pods (I added both used and new) + some vanilla extract to kick start the process. (Frugal me added only very little vanilla extract... They are so expensive!)

All of that into 2 small recycled glass bottles.

And... that was it. Seriously...? I read the blog again to make sure I wasn't missing out any vital step - like boiling and measuring temperature and all.. but that was really all that I was supposed to do.

And what I need to do now is wait 6 to 8 weeks... (Or maybe 6 to 8 months..) and give the bottle a shake every once a week (I'd likely do that a lot more.. out of sheer curiousity and itchy fingers).

This is actually quite fun.

Especially if the extract turns out good.

Homemade vanilla extract - How it looks like on Day 1, Hour 1.
I'd take more pictures along the way..


  1. great that you've finally decided to make yr own! but trust me, it definitely takes more than 6-8 weeks. more like 6-8 mths. i made this in sometime in june and in aug i took it out the color was still as light as ever and the vodka scent was still v strong. one of my flickr friend made it and she told me it takes about 6 mths to fully complete the extraction process :

    now, 5 mths later and i just poured some out out again, color is like brandy and still kinda translucent so i added 2 more beans inside. if i knew it would take so long i would hv just added 10-20 beans at one shot in the beginning. and i think its more worth it to make large quantity since its so time consuming! let me know how yours turn out, and see if it really takes 6-8 weeks, or months to be ready :)

  2. Oh! 6 MONTHS! hahaha.. that is so funny.. okay.. I shall see. I made 2 small bottles.. should be enough for me for a while since I don't bake that often.. and.. heehee.. I still have a bottle of store bought vanilla extract actually! :)

  3. Thank you so much it is a great help, now to make our own vanilla extract is easy with the help of your information. Thank you


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