
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A vase and a bowl

Finally, these have been glazed and fired up.

These are made using the coiling method, which is essentially rolling out coils of clay by hand, then using a mechanical wheel, some simple tools and water to mould and shape the clay into the desired shapes.

This vase took me all in all.. about 7 hours to finish (I am very slow).. I am so glad the glaze work turned out the way I wanted it to..

I like how the streaks of bluish-green glaze turned out

The bowl I kind of rushed to finish.. so it has a "rushed" look as well... but it is the first piece I tried doing artwork on.. I thought the brown glaze didn't turn out as striking as I thought it would be.

Wished the glaze was a lot darker...


  1. These are beautiful !
    I love them. And the fact that its handmade/homemade :)

  2. gee.. thanks Rummi.. I like all things handmade too! :)


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