
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Congee and Noodles

Congee and Noodles stores are typically small, family run establishments. Most are just single-store types of businesses. When the younger generation takes over the business, they tend to expand the business and open up more stores.

Seng Kee Congee and Noodles (生記粥麵) is owned by the son of another popular Congee store at Sheung Wan. This store opens much later compared to other Congee and Noodles eateries. Whilst other stores open as early as 6 or 7am, Seng Kee opens at 11am each day.

But don't be mistaken. The owner is not lazy. What he does is he goes each morning to Sheung Wan on Hong Kong island to make the congee for his parents' store, before coming back to Yaumatei on Kowloon side to open his store.

We ordered beef brisket with radish soup and a bowl of fish congee for breakfast today.

The Husband like the beef brisket at Seng Kee much more than the famous beef brisket from Kau Kee." The soup is much lighter and not as oily." The beef is still very much melt in your mouth and what amazes me is how light the soup is despite all that meat. It is almost clear in colour! The radish is also very well done, albeit a little bitter. "They should add a little rock sugar when cooking it to take away that bitter taste," says the expert sitting next to me.

We didn't order any noodles but they looked good, from the way the man sitting opposite us slurped his bowl away.

The congee were also really good - it is the kind where you can't distinguish the rice from the water based on the colour - everything is white and the rice grains are cooked so much that they are all broken up. And it is also very light and the least bit salty.

If you like Kau Kee, you should definitely give Seng Kee a try. It is also more accessible than Kau Kee - no need to climb all that steps.. It is located opposite the YMCA hotel at Yau Ma Tei, a short walk from the MTR station.

Beef brisket with Radish Soup and Fish Congee. 
The soup is flavourful, yet extremely light.. 

生記粥麵 Seng Kee Congee and Noodles
Address: 油麻地東方街9號地下
Yau Ma Tei, opposite YMCA Hotel

1 comment:

  1. What a waste!

    I stayed in that hotel when i was in HK that time! There were just too many good little shops around! :P~~~~


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