
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Iccho Japanese Restaurant

I think that international food in Hong Kong is good. I like Thai food at Kowloon City, Italian and Australian food at Central and Japanese food just about everywhere.

And especially this restaurant called Iccho Japanese Restaurant, or 魚一丁刺身居酒屋.

The food served in Japanese restaurants in Japan taste nothing like the ones we find in Singapore Japanese restaurants. To be fair, there are some good Japanese restaurants in Singapore but the overall standard is far from satisfactory.

In Hong Kong, even Genki Sushi serves pretty good quality sushi and sashimi..

Iccho is supposedly an Izakaya (居酒屋), which in Japan refers to a place for drinks that also serves snacks. But Iccho is more like a restaurant to me - it serves a large variety of Japanese food - everything from sashimi (particularly fresh) to fried stuff (their deep fried oyster is very good) to salads (I like their house special - ramen salad.. very yummy) to home-made tofu and traditional Japanese egg rolls.

During lunch, they have especially good deals to attract the office crowd. The lunch set changes somewhat each time I go there.. but the Chirashi-zushi set is always available and I invariably end up ordering that.

Chirashi-zushi, which is a bowl of sushi rice topped with plenty of fresh raw seafood, is made with very fresh ingredients at Iccho and I like the fact that they add some fragrant sesame seeds into the rice and top it off with lots of crunchy salmon and prawn roe.

My lunch today - see the generous toppings of raw salmon, tuna, mackeral.. 
and loads and loads of salmon and prawn roe..

魚一丁刺身居酒屋 Iccho Japanese Restaurant
Address: 銅鑼灣羅素街8號2樓
Causewaybay, Opposite Times Square (You'd see the sign in Mandarin in bright blue and white, level 2)

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