
Monday, January 25, 2010

Milk Jam

During our last trip to Japan and Hong Kong, we brought back a few bottles of relatively special jams and spreads, to complement toasts and use in our baking.

I have been keen to try this particular brand of milk jam from Hokkaido ever since I read about it in this book by a Hong Kong food connoisseur. It is made by Hokkaido Shinmura farm. The Japanese wordings on the bottle says that the jam is made by slowly boiling milk from free range cows in Hokkaido and Hokkaido sugar.

It tastes very much like condensed milk, although the texture is thicker. Because of the use of Hokkaido milk (which is typically very good, for reasons I do not comprehend), the milk taste is stronger. And although it is quite sweet, I find that it is not overpoweringly so.

So overall, it is a very nice bottle of jam.

Would be nice to have it as the filling of small cakes.. but I only have 1 precious bottle so I have to be careful about how I go about using it..

I find this particular brand not easy to buy in other places. We bought it in Osaka's Muji when they had a fair showcasing selected premier products from the various parts of Japan. There is a small shop in Hong Kong has a shop selling it too.

If you ever have the chance to go Hokkaido, you can consider visiting the farm, restaurant or simply buy a few bottles of this jam. They apparently have other products apart from this milk jam - you can see their website for more details.


  1. I bought a jar of 'milk jam' from Cold Storage once and the condensed milk comparison is spot on. However having outgrown condensed milk sandwiches since age 10, I must say I'm not a big fan.

  2. Oh... I didn't know they sell milk jam at Cold Storage! hehe.. it must be a common thing to like condensed milk sandwiches when you are young.. I never quite grew out of it.. although now I require the bread to be thick and well toasted.. :)


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