
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Project Mural

I was involved in a project last week where a local secondary school had about 200 of its students come today to make a mural that will ultimately be affixed on a wall in their school.

The theme of this project has something to do with the future... They were supposed to paint anything they like.. so long as it has something to do with the future.

I thought that most students would draw things like future transportation, equipments and technological related stuff. But to my surprise, many students drew pictures of nature - flowers, the sun, hills and beaches.

Quite surprising.. but interesting to know that many hope for a green future.

The students carved out the picture on a piece of soft clay tile, then painted 
them with various coloured oxides - here are some of their work.. 
Some students worked alone and others as a team to produce a larger painting

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