
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I woke up this morning, prepared for work.. and just as I was stepping out, reached out for a pendant.. only to find it missing.

A more detailed search revealed a few other missing pieces of jewellery.

Another 2 hours later, I still can't find them.. and called the police.

The strange thing is.. my house has not been ransacked.. only a trusted helper has my home keys.. so what could have gone wrong?

Some of the things lost were of sentimental value.. others.. pricey..

I feel really devastated.. and violated. Who could have done such a thing! And why to me!?

I feel terrible.


  1. Violated is the right word!! Oh poor you!!

  2. Oh dear. I know that feeling. Our office was broken into 2 years back and I lost a brand new laptop. It's not just the loss, but the thought of people running through your personal things... I feel so sorry for you.

  3. Hi Petunia and Ting, thanks.. is mixed feelings - heartache for the things gone.. insecurity of having my things gone through.. anger at myself for not locking things up.. and feeling of betrayal and helplessness in general..

  4. Oh God! Hope you could find out the culprit soon!
    and...Hope you're fine now...


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