
Friday, June 18, 2010

High-tea getaway

I took the afternoon off today to have English high-tea with 3 special friends.

I've gotten to know these 3 friends through the internet... partly through the GCS forum.. and partly through this blog.

All of us come from very different background.

There is a capable entrepreneur who is also an amazing mum and owner of 2 dogs, an intelligent part-time lecturer cum expert gardener and then there is a very cool mum of 2 teenage boys. (I wanted to say cool mum cum housewife but somehow, the word "housewife" seems a little too commonplace for her..)

And then there's me - an ex-housewife and now regular office worker, non-mum and non-pet owner.

We haven't known each other for a very long time.. and we don't meet up very often.. Yet somehow, whenever we meet, we have endless things to talk about. Some of the topics covered this afternoon included pets, children, husbands, zucchinis, plants, houses, dentists, doctors and parents.. The afternoon seemed amazingly short today.

I really enjoyed listening to their stories - about their lives, their families, pets and all. I'm inspired to be a more capable woman after each of our meetings... And somehow after the tea today, the world seemed to be a nicer and warmer place.

With the excellent company, I didn't really need the food to be good.

But the English high-tea at Goodwood Park's L'Espresso is really pretty good. The selection may not be a lot - but the quality of food is good. I liked the dainty sandwiches, the perfect scones (they look almost like popovers) and the delicious cakes (the blackforest cake was very good!).

I would love to go back there again for the high-tea.

The dainty sandwiches were all pretty good. The baked pasta was delicious too!

The scones.. and the cream.... Yum


  1. Gosh! How DO you make the photos this good!!!!? I am hungry again.

  2. Though the spread isn't huge, it is still alot cos I was too stuffed to sample everything. I didn't eat the scones!

    Yes, so much to talk about. If only we had more time!


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