
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rebuilding my garden

The hyssop and wild rocket from Petunia yesterday inspired me to kick-start the rebuilding of my garden.

For months now, my balcony has been bare, with the exception of my blue pea and curry plant. My 3 hibiscus (white, pink and yellow) has been moved to my parents' place and my mum seems to like them.. so I have been reluctant to bring them back.

I went easy today and just bought a few plants.. The Husband thinks we should steer away from more herbs for now and just try some flowering plants instead. So, we went to Kwang Kee at Bedok and managed to get a pot of lemon myrtle and some pretty flowering plants. The thing about the flowering plants is.. I have no clue what they are, actually.. there were no labels in the nursery and I couldn't quite understand the very nice man there.

Next stop - World Farm and Oh Chin Huat. Next weekend.. hopefully..

A pretty pot of white and yellow flowers - 
I'm a bit apprehensive about getting anything yellow 
because I feel they attract white flies..

But the flowers are so dainty I couldn't resist...

I also got myself a baby pink periwinkle.. 
I'm going to start a periwinkle corner actually.. I really like them..

The mystery plant - I have no clue what this is.. 
The man in the nursery said they'd give blue to purplish flowers..


  1. The first pot of flowers is probably a lantana. The sap is quite poisonous I think, so just need to be careful of that.


  2. Ah... poisonous.. oh dear.. okay, I'd be careful..

  3. Yes, that's lantana. I have some in my garden. They like lots of sunlight.

  4. Hi, that's a pretty baby pink vinca. The mystery plant is called the Brazilian snapdragon or Amazon Blue, botanical name Otacanthus caeruleus. Have you noticed, the leaves have pine-like smell? Enjoy your renewed interest in gardening!

  5. Hi Shailaja, thanks for that! Yes, there is a certain smell from the Amazon blue! I also didn't know my periwinkles were called vinca :)


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