
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Crumb with one m

I have been following this blog called Crummb for quite a while now. This is a blog by a food critic who blogs about her bakes.

When you see a lady who is determined enough to make 3 tier wedding cakes at home, blog about baking successes and more importantly her baking failures.. and who obviously has very good taste in cakes.. and design.. how can you not follow her blog?

Crummb doesn't blog very often. When she does though, I usually enjoy her post a lot.. and always tell myself I have to try out the recipes she recommends. (Sadly, procrastinator ME haven't tried a single recipe..)

She has decided to quit her day job now to start up a home business of what else but cakes! Her new home business is called Crumb, with one 'm'.. Check out her blog for more details.

With her approval, here are a couple of her pictures.. Since I haven't had the chance to try out her recipes.. perhaps I should order a cake for a very special occasion..

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