
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lemongrass Roast Chicken

Somehow, I don't have a very good picture of this.. But this is a really simple dish to do. Happy inspired me with this dish when I went over to her place and she served some chicken wings with lemongrass.

What I did was seasoned some chicken drumsticks with Thai fish sauce, a bit of soy sauce and honey. I also added some sliced lemongrass and red chilli to the chicken and left them in the fridge to marinate overnight.

Today, I had a conference call in the evening that I decided to take from home. When I reached home from work, I dumped the chicken into the oven at 190 deg C and took the call. After about 30- 40 minutes, the call was over and the chicken was done.

The chicken doesn't look very good but I really liked eating it. The meat was literally falling off the bones and the skin was really crispy.

The fish sauce, lemongrass and chilli added a really nice kick to roast chicken. This is definitely something I'd be making again and again..


  1. Looks really yummy. Lemongrass adds magic to anything. My mum used to boil chicken soup with loads and loads of lemongrass. Just put an entire chicken with about 2 dozen stalks of crushed lemongrass and ginger, boil for about 2 hours on slow fire. The soup is superb!

  2. I will try this and Ting's soup!

  3. The soup sounds good! I like making tom yum soup with lots of lemongrass.. don't know we can just cook soup with chicken and lemongrass.. will try it out!

    Petunia, do try the chicken and let me know what you think. Adding fish sauce to it gives it that kick.


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